I’ve been a blogger for a long time. Since 2oo4. How long is that? Lemme see.. Almost 7 years.
7 years.
It’s probably fair to say that this blog lives in a very quiet corner of the internet. I have my faithful band of loyal readers (you know who you are) who have been following along, many of you, for all of those 7 years. I have a few family members who pop up in the ‘visits’ from time to time to check in and see what I’m up to but given the constraints of the last couple of years of full time work/study and, heck, full time life, this blog, hasn’t get a great deal of attention, (and by that I mean from ME!)
So, I am actually kind of surprised to find myself where I am right now, in another quiet corner, this time in a Sydney Hotel filling in time between the last session of the Aussie Bloggers Conference and the dinner dance. I am of course, completely free to claim the title Aussie blogger, though the scant attention paid might make a liar of me, but I haven’t to date, really connected a whole lot with the “Aussie Bloggers” community and after the great collection of people and stories I’ve heard today I’m horrified that I’ve left it so long!
I tweeted the above during the course of the afternoon as I was listening to the amazing stories these women (and men) told, of pain, of loss, of betrayal, of kids, of husbands, and even of anxiety, I was struck that the awesome thread that followed through all of those is of love and support, of friendship and of camaraderie that they’ve discovered in the blogosphere.
I think it’s true, people were made for connection and while the way we connect has changed through the years, the fact remains that even though we may have ‘met’ or discovered each other online, on twitter, via our blogs there really is nothing that compares to having real life faces and hands and hugs to put skin on the names that have come across my twitter or RSS feeds from time to time.
So if you’re visiting from the #ausblogcon drop a comment in the box to say Hi. And if you’re an Aussie Blogger who wonders if you’re missing out by not being here… make sure you get a place for the 2012 conference. This thing is only going to get bigger!!
I LOVE that you attended the conference and enjoyed it so much. It makes me wish I was an Aussie blogger. :)
Your post has me wondering how we *met*… do you remember?
I have a rather vague recollection that our first meeting was on the nanoblopomo Ning site and just took off from there!! Feels like I’ve known you forever though!
Aww, you’re probably right. I still don’t remember but that makes sense. Boy, that was YEARS ago! I haven’t NaBloPoMo’d in a long time, especially now that I’m a NaNoWriMo’er. :)
You’re right, we’ve known each other forever. And my life is better for it. xo
Hi I hope that I met you. I had a blast at the conference. I am not a great commenter though and more often than not, I just lurk. Sorry in advance for that.
cheers Kim :)x
We did meet, briefly! Was lovely to see you and thanks for the Freddo!!
I was at the conference – it was a great day. We have really fantastic community and I’m so thankful to be part of it. Lovely to “meet” you.
And you too Louisa, thanks for stopping by!
Such a lovely post to read. Thanks for coming along and for spreading the good word about the conference!
Thanks for making it such a great event worthy of sharing!! Had an awesome time :)
Loved it as well. Things are on the rise for us bloggers. xx
I completely agree!! Bring it on!
I adored this weekend. I’m glad it happened. I’m glad to have found your blog.
Thanks Tiff, so glad you found it too! I confess I’ve visited yours on and off during the years – so glad you’ve found your passion and are following it… oh, and with such gorgeous gear (my camera would have been embarrassed to be seen next to all the wonderful rigs I saw last night!!)
Was lovely to meet you yesterday! Have just subscribed, I can’t believe I’ve not seen your blog before!
Thanks Liz, so glad to have you here!! Hopping on over to read yours! :)
I am testing new plugins…
And they work. Hurrah!
Dee, the fish was great, I don’t know what you were worried about!
It was fabulous to meet you, please tell me when you sing, so that if I am ever to leave the house again I can come hear it. I heard kiwis were all good singers. But that was until I met my husband…..
I can be heard every Sunday morning in church (http://theupperroom.org.au), though for some peculiar reason I doubt that would have the same kind of pull for you as a Norwegian Black Metal gig…
Failing that you can actually hear me on the occasional Sing up… *scrabbles about for the links* in my alter ego as the Web Princess…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0w9KgRRmkQ – I’m on at 1:23
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvQkxYDnBUA – and at 00:16
The next one’s a corker… ABBA ftw!! Will let you know when it’s out
That is the COOLEST THING I have ever seen.
Norewegian death metal is a laugh for me, you know it is!
Awww Thanks! Is very much fun to be a part of :D
Seems to me your corner wasn’t THAT quiet!
Thanks for your fab company on Saturday night and on Twitter ever since.
Well, it was at the time… but didn’t stay that way for long!!!
Girl, you need to put up a REAL photo. Cause then everyone would be all OMG THATS HER! I LOVE HER!
Or maybe not. And then I can keep you to myself.