I am under siege.
Bliss and Surf are hounding me. It seems that having opened the door for discussion about singular living that I am now fair game.
Picture this:
Happy blogging and minding my own business and get instant message saying, “Surf’s up”. Haven’t had good chat with Surf while on holiday so invite him over for Thai for Three with Bliss and me.
Surf and Bliss both appear to be proud of my recent dating achievements and are giving all sorts of totally dodgy dating advice so that I will keep up the action and not closet myself away with the laptop. I choose to believe that this largely because they love me and want me to be happy… (But they may also be doing it for the laughs… hence the conspiracy theory angle.)
Logged on to G.O.D.S while they were there. Bliss loved it, she is a bit of a cyberspace novice and was amazed at a) the existence of such marvels of modern relationships and b) the variety of subscribers. Surf** was funny. Freaked him out, kind of like girlfriends for sale. We couldn’t decided why… maybe its a guy thing, or maybe, due to his veritable youthliness (he is our toy-boy friend), the desperation to find someone that comes at thirty-five hasn’t yet kicked in…
Browsed anonymously for a while… with Bliss egging me on (I am sensing a theme here …) “send someone a message! What about him? Or him? Or even him?????”
Have not yielded to the pressure…
**By, the way, you must understand about Surf, while he is single and gorgeous we are good friends and will stay that way. I am throwing that in because I have been asked about him (nudge and wink kind of asking)more than once and want to state for the record. “Surfing is NOT an option” …. OK?? Good!)
I think you should go for the G.O.D.S. thing. I did the UK equivalent a couple of years back and it was hilarious – you’ll have stories you can dine out on for years after!