I have had an interesting couple of days and have been working furiously on getting all the trivial little details of my current website project out of the way so I can get shot of it altogether.
Hence no blogging…
I have learned the hard way that doing a site for a friend is fraught with problems and after a particularly heated meeting on Thursday night where I found myself feeling all the same stuff I thought had gone with the passing of the year I felt it best to get my head down, get the site to a place where I am happy to have my name on it and then pass it on.
In spite of the trauma it is a good lesson (or 4) to get out of the way early…
If you are the designer …
1. Don’t do contra deals… you will still end up on the losing end of the bargain.
2. Be very clear about what you are offering to do.
3. Don’t take criticism personally.
4. Don’t get invested in the project even if you and the client are friends, it’s just a job.
This is insane, like telling a perfectionist it doesn’t have to be perfect… that’s the drama, if I want my name on his site as the designer… it has to be just right!
ed. removed bitter and twisted post
I’m aware I could be overreacting. But in a meeting where there was no dialogue, instead, a monologue of changes required and no room for discussion I felt like I was right back where I started with the loss of my ‘voice’ in my old job.
So … if you don’t hear from me in the next couple of days … you’ll know I am still obsessing…
www.redsaid.net says
THANK YOU FOR MY PRESENTS!!!!!!!!! You are the sweetest girl alive and what a boost for my soul to receive such a taste of home all the way from Oz!
Hope you are not too bogged down by this website business. Ah, business and friendship… never a good mix, is it?
P.S. Madly envious about your recent Harry Connick Jr. experience. I LOVE him… *swoon!*