I was woken up by my mobile ringing up a storm this morning… not normal.
Time Check? 8.45…
Hmmm… not exactly enough time to shower, dress, makeup, pick up Shaz, stop at Michels for coffee and Bakers Delight for Cheesymite scrolls for breakfast and get to work on time.
So I was reaaaally late….
The rest of the day wasn’t much better – I am all stressed out with getting my business off the ground so I suggested my sister take a leap into venture capital… (She was silent on the matter…)
In a bid to getting all the things I need out of my head and into some kind of order I wrote all the stuff I want down … it was quite helpful, and I think I can get all the stuff I would need at a practical level for around two grand… pretty simple really…
If you have that sort of cash…
Which I don’t… Might be time to call Dad… (tragic aren’t I?)
Happily Flick is a graphic artist who would be helpful in pulling the image for my website out of my head while I do all the techo stuff to make it work … Coldie could do all the print stuff and Jem is the flash guru… I have all the bods with all the skills and not enough dollars to say to them… let’s get on with it… but… I do have a logo… that’s a good start eh?
So, because my head was abuzz with all the drama of business and being late, and my life being all out of control I had a very unsettled day.
It’s a recurring theme actually… out of control=stressed deeleea …
There it is, my dirty little secret… I’m a control freak…
Oh well… it’s all choice bro… (Kiwi speak for “it’s all good” our local catchphrase … practicing for Aprill)
http://www.kiwifruit-the-blog.co.nz says
Your fantail countdown pic is cute. When were you last home?
Unordered says
It’s all good – we say that all the time. As in, "My last pair of shoes just fell apart, and I can’t find anywhere to live, but it’s all good. We’re a positive bunch aren’t we.
http://www.redsaid.net says
Oh, goodie! Not for your unsettling day, but for the fact that you want to start a business. Yay because I need employment. (See today’s blog entry). I have no skills and even less experience, but other than that, I’m your girl, I just know it!