I have discovered the joy of achieving great things by not going to work.
No early morning staff meeting.
No washing up roster.
No interruptions.
No “Dee, could you just help me on this?”
“Or this?”
“Or that???”
Nope, today, capitilising on my fragile state (I have a cold) and the fact that the church yoof are having a monumentally ear splitting conference at the moment I elected to Work From Home.
Marvellous isn’t it? Having a web based job and a tidy laptop to work on!
I managed to work my way through ‘Cold Mountain’ on DVD, all the episodes of CSI:NY and Miami that I missed while I was away, and a Cold Case and Without a Trace episode each for good measure!!!
It was brilliant!
I do have to say in my defence, that work got more attention than the TV. (Just in case anyone from work is reading this…)
Happily, it is true. I didn’t even manage to get emotionally involved enough in Cold Mountain to cry so that was good.
Because I hate movies that make you cry. Really hate them.
And so, I have an ecard for our next big secret men’s business gig to show for my efforts and lots of speedy email replies sent and only 3 hours of tv to catch up on.
I think the weather forecast for tomorrow suggests Working From Home would be advisable for those afearing that wind and rain will make their delicate health even more fragile.
So, if you were looking for me tomorrow (or Friday) may I suggest come back next week… On Wednesday… because the weekend will be 4 days long for me and the rest of the staff…
nice … :)