Thanks goes out to Sarah for tagging me. I had no idea what I was going to post about this evening… so, now you get an inside look at iTunes deeleea style… and I don’t have to drum up the creativity for a post at midnight…
Total Volume of music on your computer:
2.45gb, 530 songs, enough to last 1.5days
The last album you purchased was:
Everyone is Here: The Finn Brothers (a download, not a cd or tape!!)
Song Playing right now:
None He Lives in You:Jason Raize/Tsidi Leloka (Lion King Soundtrack)
Seven songs you've been listening to a lot recently, from several genres: All loved and listened to reasonably recently. Not necessarily A Lot.
This Gentle Hum: The Finn Brothers. – Pop
Your Smiling Face: James Taylor – Folk
Whenever I Say Your Name: Sting and Mary J Blige – Pop
Presto: Dominic Miller (as written by JS Bach) – Classical
Crazy Faith:Alison Krauss – Bluegrass
Politik:Coldplay – Alternative
He Lives in You:Jason Raize/Tsidi Leloka – Soundtrack (Lion King)
So, there you have it… Consider yourself tagged… says
The Finn Brothers are touring home next month! And I will definitatly have to go along and see them.