I have given a lot of thought to writing about the mammogram which I had this morning.
For a start there’s the grumpy b*tch on reception who really doesn’t make a nervous 1st timer welcome as she walked in the door and barks at you for using your phone…
There’d have to be a mention about the other lovely ladies who are very sensitive about handling your well… precious vessels.
There’d be a mention about the procedure itself (eep), the mammogram that is, the ultrasound was far less intense though a little, well, sticky…
I could write at length but I’m not going to.
All I’m going to say is that it was uncomfortable to be sure but by no means unbearable. There was no embarassment or discomfort about being so exposed.
And more importantly, I will add, that if you should be having early checks due to a family history, or if you have any kind of concern about your girls and you have been putting it off.
Go and get it done, for the sake of your health and the sake of your loved ones.
[here endeth the lesson]
Ms. Mac says
Uggghhh! People who are precious about the use of mobile phones in reception areas are one of the mst annoying types of people in the world.
I was once in the Royal (Worst Hospital in) Melbourne Hosptial where they encouraged the use of mobiles so that they didn’t have to provide telephones to patients. So which is it?
Miss Jay says
My grandmother once described it in great detail during supper once – hearing about my gram’s boobs being “squashed like a pancake” was really more info than I ever wanted to know.
Caroline says
Thank-you. I needed that. I shall get on the ‘phone right now..but not in the mammogram area, obviously
Ian says
I did read it.
I once saw a photo of the said procedure. Good grief. If that had to happen to us men down below, no-one would go!
My hat’s off to you ladies. It is important, but I can even imagine the discomfort!
Miss lisa says
I think it should be required reading for boys, in all it’s detail … add in some of the other joys that women have to experience and we’d probably never hear whinging about a prostate exam again ….