Well, my turn to post first then!!!! Ian because he’s no doubt up to his elbows in boxes and bits as his flat gets put back together in its new location and Miss Lisa because she doesn’t have a computer at home…
Yay me!!
Lunch was lovely, and even in my state of fasting (which went only a tiny bit awry) the company and food were a great combination, I recommend Mado cafe if you’re ever on the look out for good Turkish – they do have them in Melbourne and Brisbane too!!
The meal I had was a kebab, lamb mince on toasted bread chunks, the bread and a little bit of yoghurt sauce was where the fast went askew, but I think God is big enough to handle a miss, the first in 2 weeks, it will be the last for the rest of the week, I’ve bought in my weeks food supplies on the way home… sans dairy and bread!
Anyway, all of that pales into insignificance for the experience of hanging out in a great atmosphere with great people and I love the fact that such different cultures are just a short drive away. I must get out there more often… it’s so easy to get stuck in White Bread City up t’north… (love it though I do…). So thanks guys, and Yay? There will be a wibmeet up here on the Beaches before Miss Lisa goes off and moves to Tassie… we are highly desirous of your company on that occasion!!!
And a note to other Aussie wibloggers… Miss Lisa and Mr Tasmania will be building a house big enough for a wiblog weekend away… it’s a fair way off yet but I’ve invited us all down for a house party… we’ll keep you posted for when the place is done… and maybe our Melburnian mates can join us! Oh yeah,and Miss Lisa? Can you let Mr Tasmania know we’re coming… and work out a way to tell people how we all know each other without giving the game away!! You’ve got a couple of years to figure that out.. and get the placed finished off… Maybe the Anzac Day Wibmeet 2008!!!