Looks like I’m right back in the flow of being true to this blog’s agenda…
There’s been precious little dating discussion since I gave up the G.O.D.S but after my ‘hot-date’ on Friday (below) and the unexpected gift I received this evening, looks like things are on the up.
[Excuse me one moment while I roll about on the floor laughing my butt off].
It’s like this, I was having a perfectly sensible online chat (ok, mostly sensible – there was some discussion about crushed velvet suits…) when a voice sung out as it approached my door. A bloke’s voice, and not Boaz’s from upstairs. Having been focused on the crushed velvet this ‘ahoy’ gave me quite a start, I might have let slip a bit of a swear word… I’m not sure (shhhh don’t tell).
It was my other upstairs neighbour (who shall be known as VB Man). He just dropped in to give me a beer (I KNOW) and not just a can or a stubbie… a dirty great longneck… (for translation see this page.) I was so shell shocked I couldn’t respond intelligently… (I KNOW). I nodded and smiled, took the proffered VB (I KNOW… not a Corona) thanked him and went back inside a bit befuddled.
I’m still befuddled.
I have a few questions for you Blogosphere… would it have been uncharitable to refuse? Apart from the fact it wasn’t a Corona… He got brave enough to make a move… shutting him down might have been a bit harsh, right?
More importantly, should I have foregone the crushed velvet discussion with ‘The OC’ and invited Panel to split the beer? I feel a bit guilty that I didn’t, though between crushed velvet and bootleg software/beer/broken windows (the other conversation topics I’ve been subject to with Panel and his brother) the crushed velvet was the winner on the day…
I was telling Gem in a later discussion that I’m so not hip to s*xual politics… in my usual circles beer would be the last thing on offer… right after bootleg software (the last gift offered by Panel’s brother) so I was pretty un-prepared… Mate, if Panel knew I was a card-carrying Bible babe much like Mary and Boaz (who never miss an opportunity to talk about it with believer and non-believer alike) he’d have had apoplexy… but after having his assistance fixing my window the other day, and now this unexpected gift… it’s getting interesting ’round here…
Hmmmm! But how do YOU know that Panel isn’t a card-carrying Bible babe himself? I think you should take a Corona to him and see what eventuates. ;-)
From the gospel according to Little Britain??
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Bootleg software?!?! This guy’s class all over. Tres romantique…! Hee hee hee hee! *continues to snicker long after*
Oy… Why don’t I know about this Aunty Dee????
At least you know your neighbours.
Sharing a long neck of VB with one other person – that would be a long visit.
T&E I know… I never said that I’d let common sense and good judgement get in the way of a potentially good story…
As for the rugby, well, he appears to be more of a league man (just guessing from the VB) so I’m thinking the footy is also out of the question…
All this from a beer? What would have happened if he’d had a potted plant?
My advice is to invite him round for rugby/Ozzie rules and see if he’s worth talking to. Wear your most unsexy clothing – you know the thing I mean, the one with the bits on – and act totally disinterested.