I’ve had an agent for years.
Don’t you just love how that sounds?
“Sorry… I’ll be with you in a minute, just on a call to my agent.”
“Dee, I’ve got your agent on the line!”
“I’d love to work with you, let me give you my agent’s number…”
And so on… Very glamorous…
Anyway, since the agency was sold and I began to be represented by a different party I’ve become less and less enchanted with the amount of work I’ve been getting (like, none…) Even in light of the fact that a number of my clients would call the agency and ask for me directly I was still having to chase the agency for work and even then there was no guarantee…
So I got jack of it and I called it quits on Monday.
“Dear J, thank you for your representation over the last 7 years, after long consideration I’ve decided to devote more time dedicated to my business and so am hereby resigning from the agency.
Yours etc.”
And I sent a farewell message to my 3 top clients.
“Hi [insert name], it’s Deeleea here, just letting you know I’ve resigned from the agency. Thanks for all the work to date, wish you well for the future! Keep in touch, give my love to the kids.. Yours etc…”
And within the next 24 hours I had received bookings for 6 jobs over the next 2 months .
Which seems to constitute a work epidemic.
Not sure how to square it away with the rest of the developments in my world at the moment but the cash will be good…
I need new jeans.
Ian says
It does indeed: well done popular you.
Off to check out your latest photo of the 365…