Where is your mobile phone? Dresser
Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend? Non-existent
Your hair? Up
Your mother? Chatty
Your father? Taciturn
Your favourite item? Diamond
Your dream last night? Disturbed
Your favourite drink? Margarita
Your dream car? BMW
The room you are in? Bed
Your ex? Divorced
Your fear? History
What do you want to be in 10 years? Married
Who did you hang out with last night? Ed-the-Illusrator
What you’re not? Asleep
The last thing you did? Gamed
What are you wearing? Nuffin
Your favourite book? Bridget
Last thing you ate? Chocolate
Your life? Short
Your mood? Determined
Your friends? Ace
What are you thinking about right now? History
Your car? Clean
What are you doing at the moment? Surfing
Your summer? Coming
Your relationship status? Rich
What is on your TV? Remotes
When is the last time you laughed? Today
Last time you cried? Forgotten
School? Progressing
Shamelessly filched from Ms Maca
Ooh I haven’t meme’d in months!
Hey, just noticed, your sidebar’s dropping under your posts… (I’m using Firefox)
Oooh, no it isn’t… or at least not for me??? I’m using Firefox for Mac… and it’s good in Opera for Mac – and Safari…
Nipping over to try IE now…