I’m not above doing the odd bit of bartering where my html skills are concerned and today I had a meeting that’s payment in advance for some work this client wants doing. This payment was a consultation and assessment of my Instinctive Drives, or I.D. It’s kid of like a personality test.
But Not. Instead of testing things that can be fluid which personality tests, ID tests your underlying motivations, things that just don’t change.
It was pretty interesting though it didn’t tell me a whole bunch of stuff I don’t already know about myself. It did tell me that there’s a whole bunch of stuff that that other people are motivated by which I completely don’t understand. So it’s an interesting tool in terms of how to work in teams etc. and on balance I think it was a valuable exercise. It would be really valuable if my boss and colleagues had their ID done too.
Anyway, I can tell you that my ID is… 7543.
I score a 7 for Verify which explains my need for comparisons, clarification, reassurance and justice. I score a 5 for Authenticate – that’s neutral, doesn’t affect me at all, I score 4 for Complete which means I’m driven towards, freedom, pioneering, variety, spontaneity, flexibility. and a 3 on Improvise which means I need certainty, logic, composure and quiet time to think.
And in the grand scheme of things it’s pretty right.
There you go – My names Deeleea and my ID’s 7543.