I’m committed. I’ve booked an airfare from Melbourne to Sydney to complete a week I’m planning on spending down that way.
I’ve a bunch of clients who need to pay me to make the trip affordable… but the opportunity to spend a week with Shoe taking it easy in some of the most beautiful landscape in Australia was too good to pass up.
You know? It will be the first holiday I’ve had for me since the epic Brisbane Trip… 2 years ago.
This holiday will be a little different… Shoe and I are both take it easy types… books, sleeping in… the occasional bit of sight-seeing. Low Stress. I’m so desperate – I can’t wait for the 27th!!! We’re hitting the road baby… LOOK OUT!
I’m working like mad to get my job book clear before I leave town and I’m not planning on doing any site work/updates until February…
Heh… brilliant.
This isn’t to say I won’t be taking the laptop… can’t do that… I’ll have blogging to do and photos to process to make you all jealous.
But I’ll be taking books. Lots and Lots of books. And I’ll be reading them too. So don’t wait by the computer…
If I hadn’t just been away myself, I’d be sooooo jealous! Need to visit my bookshelves at all? Inkspell is waiting for you :)
Muchos awesomeness to you my dear, I can’t wait to hear all about it!
Meh. Low stress holiday? Blogging? Reading? Relaxing?
Argh, just colour me jealous.