Wow… when you put your mind to it you sure can pack a lot of fun into one 3 day weekend!!!
Fi, of Kiwifruit fame caught the trans-Tasman bus (I mean, plane) on Friday (at stoopid o’clock, I might add, bless her) to come over to hang out, drink a few margaritas and revisit the odd old haunt or two in my neck of the woods! I have to say, I’m a little bit stoked, it’s so nice to have people go out of their way to come to see me!! I just forget to warn them that Chez Deeleea has hot water rationing and a cat that isn’t beyond breaking into the bathroom while one is sitting on the throne (note to self, remind people to lock the door). Fortunately in that instance dignity remained intact for all concerned…
I could give you the blow by blow account of where we went and what we did, but let’s just say we had a few margaritas topped off with a pretty good turn in Mexican food, we shopped at ‘the Mall’ where cute pajamas were purchased for the little misses and misters at Chez Fi (can anyone say – Tar-zjay dahling?), we scarfed down the obligatory eggs Benedict ( becoming a tradition, I think…) and we spent a good portion of Saturday trekking around Manly/Dee Why and the Botanical Gardens to put our cameras through their paces, we also took in a show (amateur Treasure Island – arrrrgh me hearties) cruised Ikea, saw possibly the most ‘out there’ movie in the Love Guru and negotiated the city awash with pilgrims in town for World Youth Day 2008. (Didn’t see the Pope but.)
Anyway, I really think I should let the pix speak for themselves…
1. Rock Pool, 2. Winkle, 3. Candid Saturday – Manly Beach, 4. Candid Saturday – Manly Beach, 5. Candid Saturday – Manly Beach, 6. Blue Heron, 7. Drinks at the Shore, 8. Training, 9. Rock My Moon, 10. One Shoe Off, 11. Daisy Mae, 12. Off Out to Sea, 13. Cockies
There are a bunch more over on flickr. Please go and check them out!
Thanks for coming Fi, was so great to have you here! Everyone else? When are you coming??
All these people having fun with other bloggers… makes me wanna spit in jealousy…
Sounds like you girls had a ball. The photos are stunning.
Yep, it sure was a whirlwind alright – thanks hostess with the mostess :)
Flickrs are great. Shame we couldn’t get one of the Pontiff on the Pontoon!
And now that I’ve woken up (took in 12 hours sleep last night, oh yeah) I’ll be recipriposting this evening.
You have hot water rationing as well?!? My shower is huge… it devours most of my tiny bathroom. But what it makes up for in size, it lacks in hot water! I’ve about three minutes’ worth. And a thick red mane that cracks at the root unless I condition it.
Yeah, this winter has been… interesting.
On a different note: STUNNING photographs!!!!
And hey, Kelley? I’ll hang out with you!
Well, the water is rationed in that my hot water cylinder only holds 50 litres. That isn’t enough for 2 bods to have a decent shower… so it’s a business of scheduling!!!
Aah the Pontiff on the Pontoon… yep, the bridge slideshow just had to do!!!
I love how blogging has its own langugage.. recipriposting? Brilliant!