It’s a delight to me that one of my favourite jazz musicians is an old friend, and better still, that she’s made the trek ‘across the ditch’ to set up in my little corner of the world.
Charmaine and her husband have been here since the beginning of the year and last Friday night was her first official gig in Sydney. So I bundled up a bunch of the girls to go and hear her support Kristin Berardi at the Stamford Plaza in Double Bay.
It amused me to hear a bunch of Northern Beaches people get excited about going across ‘the bridge‘… The harbour is a definite geographic divide, but it’s also a cultural one… it really isn’t a long distance trip but we really do get excited about getting out of our neighbourhood and going somewhere different… and I don’t mean Manly to Dee Why… people we went to Double Bay!!! (oooh lah,di, dah…).
So what’s the cultural divide in your neck of the woods? And what does it take to get you across it?
Hmmmm..that’s a tricky one. I’d say these days as a newbie N’linder it’d have to be the Bryderwyns -leaving Jaffaland behind with that view over Whangarei Heads. More a physical than a cultural one!
Across the railroad tracks on the other side of town.
Living dangerously over there I tellz ya!