This is largely because my life has been pretty mental over the last 2 weeks and isn’t about to ease up with work for both real-job and business off the charts. Happily, I’ve taken next week off real-job in the hope of playing some catch up!!!
In the meantime I saw a tweet from Gina Trapani about the first blog that inspired her to become a blogger (if you don’t recognize her name, you’re not reading lifehacker (, and dangit, you SHOULD.
Anyway, I thought I’d throw this out there…
What or who inspired you to blog? Will you go back to your blog and post an entry about your first blogging experiences and who the blogs were you read way back when? Are those early blogs still being written? Do you still read them?? I’m dead keen to find out, and am formulating a post along these lines for you too!!! I’m sure commenting will be back up on Saturday, it’s my first job to do… but until then, if you post and you see your blog in the blogroll over there, I’ll get your post in my rss reader and will be along to comment… if you want to play and your blog isn’t in my blogroll send me an email to deeleea** (you know what to do with the stars, right?;)
*It won’t be until I get my sorry carcass into the backend to do some solid testing of the MT installation – only THEN will the host lift the limits on me… fascists.