You’ve probably seen the news, or if you follow any Australian Twitterers you’ve likely heard mention of the Victorian Bushfires (link to Google map of the fires) that are burning up the Victorian landscape in the South East corner of Australia. Today the toll stands at 108 and it won’t end there as parts of the large fire areas still haven’t been entered by fire crews. People have died in their homes, in their cars as the tried to flee, people have died trying to escape. It’s utterly unbelievable to see every news item on the tv, every radio announcement, every Australian blog I read, and every online news distributor rail against the callous and ignorant fools who light these fires on purpose.
It boggles my mind that people put their impulses for thrills, power, control and sexual excitement well above the sanctity of human life, above the respect for fellow Australian’s homes, businesses, land, environment, wildlife. It beggars belief.
I saw an interview with a woman on the show ‘Sunday Night’ whose whole home had been destroyed, she showed us around her property, the worst for me was watching her break as she showed us her dog’s kennels and runs, lovingly situated in the “best part of the section” and to hear her tell of her helplessness to know her precious animals died helpless as the fire-front rushed over their property. It’s just so heart-breaking.
By the time this is all over I would find it very surprising if there was not one person in Australia who doesn’t know someone, or someone’s relative or friend who has been touched by the fire. For me, I have a friend whose cousin has lost their home, our Kelley from Magnetoboldtoo actually lives in country Victoria and has friends in affected areas. In a disaster like this everyone knows someone. And if, as a reader you know us, then you too are touched in a small way by this heinous situation. I implore you, if you have any means to offer assistance, please do what you can.
- If you can give even a small amount financially please follow this link to the Australian Red Cross in Victoria and make a donation.
- If you want to add messages of support to the Twitterstream tag your tweets with #vicfires
- If you’re in Australia and are eligible (I am not… WAH) to give blood, please do so.
- If you want to hear from other Australian Bloggers or you’re a member on the Aussie bloggers’ forums you can check in to see what’s happening or to add your messages of support.
- If you’re of the praying persuasion, to whomever you pray, please keep in your thoughts, your prayers and hearts all of those in Victoria, particularly those valiant men and women, many of whom are volunteers, who are working day and night to bring an end to this disaster. And for the future, pray that the recovery, physical and emotional, would be gentle and would be swift.
Yup, it is just….unthinkable that someone has done this deliberately. How do we come to terms with such a thing, or begin to understand it?
Apparently, they don’t urgently need blood anymore! They will in the future though.