I so wish I was one of those people who glide along through life looking for all the world like a picture of serenity, even if all the while their little legs are paddling like mad to stay afloat.
Sadly, I’m more of the kind of chick who’s legs are paddling like our little friend’s above, but who also squawks and flaps about rather a lot as well.
How’s the Serenity*?
Not so great.
My personality tends towards choleric, if you’re familiar with that sort of thing, a choleric person
… is a do-er. They have a lot of ambition, energy, and passion, and try to instil it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were cholerics. They like to be leaders and in charge of everything.
Actually, from my perspective, a choleric person is all about the control.
And when the ability to keep all the plates spinning is compromised?
Flap, Quack. Flap.
Which is not the end of the world until the quacking upsets the rest of the flock. Then I have to suck it up, smoothing over their ruffled feathers (and my own).
I wish too that my mantra wasn’t “No Regrets, No Excuses” – because making excuses feels like I could justify the quacking (or snarling, as it happens). But excuses end up making me look smaller than the bigger person I want to be.
So, I eat my dose of humble pie…
…and do my best to feel the serenity.
*Quote from the iconic Australian Movie “The Castle” – the movie has to be watched in full to be truly understood and appreciated, but at about the 15s mark of this Youtube Clip you’ll get the section of the movie from which the above is drawn.
oy vey, sounds like a rough day yesterday … or maybe the traditional February in Sydney Stinking HOt Weather Grumpies are starting to make their presence felt …
Rough Day. But the heat doesn’t help, that’s for sure
Personally I think you’re more graceful swan than duck. (NOT that ducks aren’t gorgeous too!) I like your personally motto. I have WAY too many regrets, and I apologise way too often. Which is not good either, because after a while, it begins to sound insincere. And as a good friend of mine used to say: “Don’t be sorry, be careful.”
Love from an equally hot SA! x
Cool change blew in this afternoon… hoooooray! We’ll be able to sleep tonight!