I spend ridiculous amounts of time online. I know, you can scarcely believe it, can you?! It, however, is completely true. I am online all day and half the night. In defense of this lifestyle, I am compelled to point out that I do also have IRL friends and relations, and that I do spend a healthy amount of quality time with them. So it’s kind of interesting to me that I feel as though this year is all about connecting some of those bits and bytes with flesh and bone and actually getting out from behind the laptop and meeting some of these strange and unusual creatures who also inhabit this thing called cyberspace.
I actually hadn’t quite realised this is what was going to happen this year, I seem to have stumbled into it… it started, as previously mentioned with the ABC or, at least the plans started. In actual fact ‘it’ will start this weekend with my embarking on a short trip down south of the border to attend WordCamp Melbourne 2011. I know, a whole 2 day conference devoted to all things WordPress (you thought it was Bible Camp, didn’t you… hah, gotcha!).
A whole weekend of not only people who USE WordPress… but people who CODE for it.
I am giddy.
I am also working on being fully confident of NOT being completely intimidated by the nerds and code gurus who will be there but <positive affirmation>I will be unfazed. I am the Web Princess. I am a coder. I use WordPress. I code for WordPress therefore I will be just fine. </ positive affirmation >.
Bonus is that I get to hang out with a couple of great (real flesh and bone type) friends who’ve moved there this year, one of whom is Bliss, who moved for a fella, no less, one she’s going to MARRY! And she met him on the INTERNET!!! Seriously, read the linked post to understand the magnitude that is Bliss meeting the MOHD on the internet thing.
wow, that is SO COOL re Bliss! Hooray! And I’m all for moving for a guy as you know ;) – well worth it!