I’m surprised as you are… I exercised 5 days of the last week. Three I can usually accommodate, and those usually at the gym. But last week I was struck by a completely random thought that sounded rather a lot like “I feel like going for a run”.
I know, I’m as surprised as you are. Me. Running. I who had never made the connection in my head that people who do it actually like it. It isn’t just a means to a ‘smaller’ end.
So, I went with the thought, and as is often the case, tweeted it.
and again… when the urge struck a 2nd time…
I had a whole HOST of reasons in my head why I shouldn’t/couldn’t do it… things like
- You’re too heavy, think of the damage to your knees
- It will hurt.
- You won’t like it.
- You do enough exercise anyway.
- You’ll look like an idiot.
So it would appear to me that this business of expending more energy has put me in a state of having more energy to burn, to the point I actually can talk my way through the bullshit above – and so, after a day welded to a chair at the office looking at a screen, coming home and just laxing out on the sofa doesn’t sit well [see what I did there??].
This running thing is part of a change in my routine in that I now exercise on the way home from work, or as soon as I get home from work. Until now, I had got out of the house and exercised before the day really started. Turning that on its head has been surprisingly great. I’m even working out harder at the gym that I do in my half awake state – and I’m spending less money getting coffee on the way home from the gym.
Now I just have to make peace with the fact that at my gym visit on the way home from the office on Wednesday will actually incorporate Zumba with my Curves workout.
The gods laughter at my expense is now complete.
Running: your body can cope fine, it’s your mind you’ve gotta fight with! Good luck Mz Dee :)
Thanks Fi. I’m winning the exercise battle of the mind… not the food one… why can’t they go hand in hand… either way, winning the exercise one is the biggie so I’m going with it!
Nice one! I hear once your body & mind get over it, it gets really easy! Not that I would know – but that’s what people tell me ;)
You rock.
When I try to run my arse hits me in the back of the head.