Way back in the early days, when this blog first started… 2004? really? 20 years ago? I used to think in blog posts. I mean, when I wasn’t otherwise occupied working or studying, I’d be thinking about how to craft my experiences into engaging posts for this here blog… Back then the content was about occasional dating, or of singular life, and the blog was a place to document what was happening in my wee world.
Then social media came, and I distinctly remember the dynamic change that came when I went from thinking in blog posts to tweets… then apps like Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok emerged… I got stuck at Instagram, because it started to feel like there was too much being shared. I guess as I got older, I became more circumspect (or less interesting), and well, there was a pandemic, life became a lot closer to home, what was there to share? Being present, in person, and relying on a closer circle of in person friends rather than online acquaintances and virtual relationships became way more important.
All that sounds like an excuse for not having written anything here in so long… I’m not regretful, the blog is for me not for others, but I have found my thoughts turning to blog posts again this year. So here I am, pressing publish in WordPress for the first time in ages. I don’t know what is to come, I may drop some retrospective thoughts over recent seasons, and I am hopeful that this year will be more outward focused, with drives in the car, more miniature modelling (I probably haven’t told you about that), board games, and home improvement (probably haven’t told you about that either) means there isn’t a shortage of things to talk about… and I’m thinking about occasionally dipping my toes in here again, because more than anything, this blog has been a place to process, even directly or indirectly, what’s happening in my world, and I’ve missed having a space to do that…
Even so, I’m not making any promises, but today I was thinking about blog posting… and here I am… pressing publish.
Press Publish