Do you ever find that things, issues, occasionally pop up on your radar and for a time everywhere you look you notice stuff that relates to your interest? Cars… or if you're anything like me… BMW's, (actually I pretty much notice those all the time)… Brad Pitt… or whatever… Meh… maybe it's just me, but everywhere I look these days I see relationships…
The guy and girl kind. Not even the romance of them so much, but the interaction between a man and a woman, the differences, the similarities, the synergy or the dissonance, the communication (or not), the body language, the comfortable interaction.
I was at a men's conference last weekend, the latest Big Thing at work. I'm one of the few girls who attended the whole thing, not in the auditorium mind, where all the boys were… remotely – working away in my office where the service was being recorded for posterity… It's a bizarre circumstance, having an ear on secret men's business, but it's one of the things that has got me thinking more about men, and about the possibility of developing a relationship with one.
Ooh er Mrs, I hear you say.
Well, yes, the other stimulus of this pattern of thought is that there is the possibility of one [der, a relationship] on the horizon. It's complicated by distance, and, as you'd expect for an IT chick like me it's an internet thing.
I'm being very sensible by not letting my heart follow after an email (or 80 emails…eep!)…I've done that before. In fact we both are being sensible. We could dream about spending time together, and I'm sure we both have, but as much as we can, we do our best to deny ourselves the thoughts to save us getting carried away. In all good sense, there's nothing to consider until we've met face to face.
But if we do meet, and if that attraction doesn't disappear into the ether the minute we say Hi (as has happened before), well… we could be on the road to a relationship' and considering that possibility makes me look at other people in relationships and wonder just what it might feel like for me. What would it be like to get over my hang-ups about intimacy and let KiwiFella into my world… and join him in his.
It's an interesting meditation for a girl who is a self confessed independent woman of means (and averages). The last relationship I was in was for 3 months and in my mind doesn't count because, truth to tell, I never actually fancied him… (A bizarre circumstance and one that saw me lose a dress size for the effect it had on my appetite.)
Anyway, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it… If he ever decides to take this relationship' up a level and install instant messaging… or better still leap a jet to Sydney for the weekend.
Ian says
"Ooh er Mrs" I did say! :)
And yes: I identify with the popping up on your radar constantly comment.