Ok, you’ve probably wondering if I’ve been to America for the wedding of the year or not…
I haven’t… (like duh… I’d have told you already right??)
I’m getting geared up (pun intended) for the event… and to that end I’ve been shopping. Internet shopping to net me a baggage bargain…
The evidence below, both purchased online, both bargains. The Camera/Computer bag is brand new but I saved $30.00 buying online… The roller bag was an excess wedding gift, used once and sold to me… cha ching…
I know you’re really interested in my luggage… It’s so interesting I made an animation (see below) sheesh… you’d think I could find something better to do wouldn’t you??
anxious says
Ahh, you have a green ipod mini. Mine is silver (I *so* wanted a pink one, but Big didn’t know that when he bought it for me)
Good, erm, luggage!
deeleea says
Thanks Anxious, I had the option of silver or green… no contest…
I was playing with one of the new generation 30g video iPods yesterday.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I still LOVE my mini… I’d buy it over a Nano any day… more songs, more robust…
Sigh… but that 30g?
It was beautiful…
greavsie says
Unordered says
Nice bag.
deeleea says
Thanks guys,
Hmm… That’s a good idea for a post Nessa…
It all depends on what software one has… I use Photoshop CS and Image Ready (which is bundled with Adobe Studio CS)… but other products available are ULead Gif animator, or Paint Shop Pro which has a programme called Animation Shop bundled with it as well…
nessa says
how’d you do it how’d you do it.
Ian says
Very nice luggage…and very nice animation. Well done you!
Semele says
Wow, you have way too much time on your hands ;) Animated pictures!
Anyway, really good buys. I really need to invest in a new piece of wheelable luggage – the boy managed to break a wheel on my bag while he was in America. Maybe I’ll just have a look on ebay…..