Ooh that Fi, she doesn’t harf ask a lorra questions… Actually, I’m a bit grateful for them… I’m all out if inspiration for posting at the moment (as you’ll have gathered…)
1) How did you hear about blogging, and what made you start blogging?
I came across a map of a town called Wibblethorpe which took me here… and so I discovered blogging and my first foray into it was at the ‘original’ singular scene… Actually, I love the guys there so much I blog at both places!!
2) What keeps you logging, and what is your favourite part about blogging?
Definitely the feedback from readers, and the opportunity to process my day (as is a writer’s wont) and actually have an audience (not that I’m giving them much to read lately)
3) What are your do’s and don’t’s to anyone starting out?
Given Petite’s current predicament it’s a bit obvious…. Don’t blog about work, from work, about workmates… Actually don’t blog anything you wouldn’t be prepared to have your mother or your family read unless you are committed enough to blog completely anonymously… and anonymous blogging isn’t easy…
4) What don’t you like about blogging?
That I could waste SO MUCH time at it if I had my way…
5) Do you aspire to be the next dooce, with thousands of hits a day?
No way… couldn’t afford the bandwidth
Are you happy with your current visitor levels?
Basically yes, actually, I barely check the stats.
Would you like more people to visit?
Sure who wouldn’t but I’d settle for more comments.
6) What things appeal to you when you first visit a blog?
How it looks and how real the writer is.
And what puts you off?
7) Do you blog at work?
Occasionally, but never about work…
What do you think of people being fired for blogging?
Depends on why they’re fired. If they should have been doing other work related stuff, if they’ve been slagging the boss, if they’ve brought their employer into disrepute I think it’s fair. Having said that I’m blogging from work right now and actually have the guilts about it… there are other more important things to do…
8) Are you content with your blog?
Never, there’s always better designs, more tricks to make it do but never enough time…
Would you like to improve it in any way?
I have a new design up my sleeve and no time to set it up… but that’s about all…
9) Have you met fellow bloggers?
Hello? Have you forgotten coffee at Atomic??? [kidding]. Ah yep. 2 in NZ and about 5 here in Oz
How did it feel to know them, but not really know them!?
It’s a bit awkward to start off… I mean, we’re total strangers with the most peculiar door into their lives, but the walls come down quickly enough I think, I just wish I could do it more often… (do they serve Atomic in Whangarei???)
10) Does your family and friends know that you blog, or is your secret?
Actually, they know about it. I almost wish on some days that I didn’t so I COULD write all my thoughts, but actually, it’s better in the long run isn’t it, if you don’t say everything you feel? and I don’t just mean where blogging is concerned. Truth to tell, we’ve been so slack at keeping up lately the blog is the only way they know I’m not dead!!!
deeleea says
Testing this out… Red@!@ Your comments got totally deleted…
GAAAAAAAAAH Bloody spam blockers…