I’ve practically made a religion of blogging carefully and it’s my belief that in order to do it safely one must adhere to strickt rools(sic).
Here’s a refresher.
The Rools aka The 5 Commandments
- No blogging about work nor blogging from the office, regardless of how relaxed things are in the bosom of the IT dept where I work. Just not worth getting dooced.
- Do not blog anything you’d be afraid/embarrassed to have someone (read anyone) know about you.
- Sound intelligent [also known as the don’t blog about TV rool (no disrespect intended to TV bloggers… no, really – there’s a place for it… it just isn’t here)]
- Don’t blog about the family. Ever.
- Don’t blog drunk. [ok so it never happens, but the rool’s there, just in case.]
And it’s just as well. Because, as pretty much any blogger knows, you just never know who’s reading.
So, I hear you ask… ‘Deeleea What’s making you think about this today of all days [or any other…]?’
Well gentle reader, I got totally sprung today. Big sprung me by Googling my name – and not even my real name but the name that I usually go by [yeah, they’re different…].
To his credit, when we were IMing today he came clean. And truth to tell, if I’d known I’d probably still not likely have watered down my recent entries but I was a bit shell shocked that it was so easy to find.
It’s interesting, I’ve always been honest about the blog, and would have ‘fessed up to it eventually, KiwiFella used to read it, maybe he still does, we haven’t been in touch for a while. The O.C knows how to find it but I don’t think he’s that interested in my personal life so I’m pretty sure he doesn’t pop in (unless he does… in which case Hi!).
So I was surprised by how disturbed I was. I guess it was the ‘element of control’ factor. It’s usually me giving the keys away rather than someone finding the keys under the mat and letting themselves in.
I guess I just wasn’t aware that the keys aren’t under the mat.
They’re in the lock.
Jay says
I can see how that would be unsettling. However, as you know, you really are a pretty mild blogger as far as that goes. The picture of comportment :)
deeleea says
Great word, thanks Jay, comportment.
I love it.
Posted you some mail today! Hope you like it!
freddysmama says
Fi says
It gives me a tingle up my spine to read this. Happened to me and got me in big trouble! Did I tell you about that?
Antipodéesse says
Oh MoistieSlaggyBollocks!
Miss Lisa says
I try to keep names out of it .. but generally just blather on about whatever is on my mind on the day … can’t say there’s a great deal of ‘point’ behind it all … I do try not to be pompous though, or condescending.
Jack the Lass says
Yeah, I’ve had to do the blogging equivalent of biting my tongue a few times, and I think my only drunk entry was so lame nobody noticed (I am *so* lame when I’m drunk, so I virtually never bother these days any more).
http://www.wibsite.com/wiblog/neil says
You are so right! Very wise words. I do look at some of the wiblogs, and other weblogs that are just whinge, TV, whinge, I hate everyone, whinge and hope that their employer/potential employers/partners/potential partners never find it, they will be put off right away!