I’ve been living alone now for some weeks. I won’t lie, it took some getting used to. Chino was a massive vibrant element of this household and not having him to come home to (as much as it makes me sound like a sad act) has been rough. Rough enough to still reduce me to tears on rare occasions.
I’ve had every intention of getting myself a successor to his Lordship but have been biding my time for several reasons. One was the extreme busyness of the intervening weeks, two was the expense, three was to give myself time to decide whether I wanted to go with another Burmese, four, the choice between an adult or a kit and finally, five, to give myself time to get over the trauma.
So I’d been saying, "I’ll look at getting another cat once May 10th (party) has been and gone" because there was just too much going on before then… In truth, there really was no question I’d get another Burmie, I was just so completely charmed by Chino that I wasn’t able to look past them. Which of course, introduces the issue of the expense. A kitten would cost $500 or more, completely unjustifiable so soon after having spent that to get Chino so the next logical step was to look at getting an adult.
It seemed a female might be good, maybe a girl would be a little less likely to wander, an adult because she’d be cheaper, and maybe used to living inside. I’m not wholly keen to allow a new pet to have such free reign as Chi did, so after some bulletin board hopping it seemed that a breeding female who was a couple of years old and no longer required by the breeder and who had not lived outside might be the answer to my cat shaped vacuum.
Once our major conference had been and gone I was browsing the web, as is my habit, and thought to put in the search string ‘adult rehome burmese’ and stumbled across a forum offering "Princess Lulubelle" as free to a good home. I dropped the owner a line, hardly expecting a free Pedigree Burmese to be still available and to my great delight, she was!
After long introductions, the exchange of photos and stories of Chino and Lulu, and the satisfaction both that I’d be a suitable family for Lulu (on their part) and that transporting such precious cargo from Queensland to New South Wales was affordable (on my part) the process of adoption was begun. As it happens, she’s only a year old, younger than Chino was and was a precious family pet who needed a new home as her ‘Mum’ turned out to be serverly allergic to her. After a little under a year of trying to moderate the symptoms it really just needed to be that Lulu went live with someone else. So sad for Lulu’s best little girl friend Jade(4) but very, very happy for me.
For various reasons it wasn’t until this week that it was possible to get her here, which in the grand scheme was just perfect timing. I’ve let out little squeaks around the internet that I was going to be getting a new cat but just didn’t want to make it ‘official’ until she was actually here… not that I’m a great believer in fate or Murphy’s Law… but more as a disappointment preventative if anything did go horribly wrong…
So finally, here we are, it’s Wednesday May 14th and Lulu has weathered the long trek from the Sunshine Coast to the Big Smoke, still smelling of the straw used to line her travelling cage (poor little blossom must be well pleased to be out of that) and she’s found the sun spot on my living room floor to have a snooze in.
She’s given the flat the once over, found and used the litter tray, found the food and had a bit of a ‘nom, nom, nom’ snuggled me a few times and by and large made herself right at home!
If, as I am, you’re a bit of a believer in a benevolent deity, you look at situations like this and think there are just too many perfect elements to this story not to think He understands how important having a puss is to me and that all the little dreams in my heart in regards to my next puss have been neatly put in to place.
You can’t ask for more than that.
(as I write this closing she’s trying to climb the louvre windows… can anyone say ‘deja vu’?!)
Deeleea & Lulubelle
Awww, I hope you’ll be very happy together!
very very pleased!
She’s…so…gorgeous!!! Best of luck you two!!!
Welcome Lulu! We’ll look forward to reading all about your escapades on this here blog for many years to come :)
So does she bark? ;-)
Don’t tell the rest of the dog lovers I’m saying this? But she’s very cute… considering that she’s a CAT and all!
I am SO happy for you. She’s just adorable, and I’m really glad she’s found a good home :)
Give her a hug from me!
Awwwww, I am totally NOT a cat person. But I find myself looking at her face and wanting to give her a cuddle.
Congrats on such a purdy puddy!