Someone called me Jesus today. Can’t begin to imagine how hard HE laughed at that… a roll on the floor laughing His ass off kind of situation I think… (yes so! Jesus has an ass – he rode into Jerusalem on it… geez.) I mean me… as the salvation of the world. I’M rolling on the floor laughing my own ass off …
The salvation really only extended in this case, to a group of 6 individuals, the context was a college tutorial.
It happens that I’ve been seconded, by virtue of my proximity and my distinction average to tutor a class in Creativity and the Imagination; seems like they need a linear thinker like me to make sense of the course material and by extension the essay questions which are written and delivered by a particularly creative individual… Don’t get me wrong the material’s great… just hard to qualify and quantify… (which is where I come in)
Anyway, both last week and this found me going through required reading, trying to make sense of it myself and learning about, and imparting the meaning and practice of autoethnography to a bunch of 2nd years… They’re seeing the light at the end of the essay question and calling me Jesus…
Futhermore it seems like a disctinction average has the potential get my halo all shinied up for the faculty as well – as there’s the potential that I’ll be getting another tutelage gig next semester too which in the scales of ‘Should I Stay, or Should I Go’ (which I teeter on constantly) causes the weight to lean towards staying…
Which, quite frankly sucks. To leave is to give up some very good things, like tutoring and my mac. To stay is to continue to navigate the waters of change, change that isn’t necessarily done well and which is discombobulating.
Me – Jesus! … discombobulated.
I think I’ll leave the salvation stuff up to Him.
Woo Hoo – tutoring!
Fine, you might be Jesus to them, but just remember that you were MY very own web angel looong before that!!!!
But whoa… autoethnography?!? Not even Google SA knows what that is… (Just kidding. I haven’t yet
Googled it. But I’m sure it’s going to take a few more seconds to complete the search!)