NOTE: Comments aren’t working while the host still restricts access to the cgi scripts… sorry… am working on a whole new migration plan that ought to be best for all of us in the long run.
Erm… it’s been quiet around here (more so than usual) AND it’s been impossible to comment BECAUSE I had a rather impressive server snafu.
As in my Movable Type installation (apparently) crashed the server – oh, and because it’s a shared server… it wasn’t just my account that was affected…. yeah… Dee got sent to the badlands by her web host as penance/punishment….
I know, you could care less about the technical reasons. I’m writing this up in case Kangaweb or Sixapart pay any attention to what’s being said about them in the blogoshpere.
Ok, that’s a little unfair, Sixapart clearly do as they’re following me on Twitter and messaging to ask if they can help. This is very good and one of the reasons I still <3 Movable Type.
Kangaweb? Not so helpful… I’ve been with them a looong time and while I’m not so blind as to think MT couldn’t be causing the problem, their manner of solving the problem has been less than helpful, and truth is, a little defensive.
Furthermore, I have been offered some rather good services over at TPPInternet – you can’t go past having your own personal account manager you can talk to on the phone… one that has a side kick who’s a real live tech guru, right, oh and one that lives in your neighbourhood…
I didn’t think so… and no TPP are not a small fiddly backyard concern… these guys have some big guns… oh, and did I mention they’re fast? They’re really fast.
So, gradually, I’m making the switch…
Which is going to mean some changes around here… I’ll keep you ‘posted’.
Deeleea says
testing,testing un deux trois