I am not sure if this happens to anyone else or whether it is just because I am a singer but… every morning I wake up with a song running round in my head (playing might be a better descriptor). It is pretty much the first thing I notice about the day and I thought it might be interesting blog it before I forget and sing something else! Actually, upon reflection I have a song (oops nearly wrote snog! ) in my head ALL the time, and if asked could probably tell you what it is!
Help me out here am I weird? (because of the song, not for any other reason… weirdness is well established for other areas…)
The Song in My Head in the Morning #1: She will be loved: Maroon 5
http://www.wiblog.com/everthoughtfuljames says
I wonder: would it be more or less wierd to wake up with a SNOG on your mind every morning?
http://www.wibsite.com/wiblog/unordered/ says
The song I was singing in my head everytime I woke up last night, which means I as singing it for about 6 hours was "There goes God" by Crowded House. I think it’s a bit disturbing to be singing
‘I’d like to believe there is a god
why sinful angels suffer for love (I just wrote lunch there)
Hey don’t look now
but there goes God
in his sexy pants and his sausage dog.’
Ian says
I have that "Camptown Races" song in my head a fair-bit when I wake up:
"The Camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah, doo-dah!
The Camptown race track’s five miles long, oh, do-day-dey!
Goin’ to run all night, goin’ to run all day
I’ll bet my money on a bob-tail nag: oh, do-day-dey!"
I love your latest photo: I don’t think I’ve seen that sculpture (not that I go to the city or gardens that often!)
Dee says
Hmmm, have to say James that I pretty much wake up with snogs on the brain as well…