The Lion King is equally stunning second time around though I still didn’t feel as though I was IN the music in the way I really wanted to be in going back a 2nd time. I still couldn’t get it loud enough, even from the 2nd row so I imagine to get the sound quality I want it will need to be in my headphones or cranking on the stereo. So I bought the soundtrack. However, am not yet ready to listen to it for fear of dulling the experience and the song [above] that is still filling my head.
There is something about seeing such creativity expressed in movement, music, costume and lighting and in this show particularly it is so incredibly clever. And beyond that, the power of the harmony in the voices takes me closer to God, whether I want to be there or not.
To develop the ability to make people’s spirit soar. That’s what I came to college for, that’s why I sing. To have been graduated for three years of the study of singing and only just figuring that out is tragic. To be expressing that side of myself outside of church seems to be an oxymoron. However, I am sure that even when Jonah and the Wailers do their thing their harmony will have that power though we singers are not worshipping as such.
And for now, that’s plenty.
Miss Lisa says
it’s the intent behind your singing babe, not the audience you’re directing it at or the people you’re singing with, that’s the true worship – and you go there all the time :)