You may or may not suspect that Deeleea, which is, for the record pronounced Delia, is not actually my real name – but I AM generally known as Dee so it’s close enough.
Even that isn’t my given name.
Deeleea has been my internet moniker for at least as long as I’ve been blogging (crikey, since 2004) and there have been times when people even call me Deeleea in real life, which I find really amusing, unless they pronounced it wrong.
The little retro girl avatar has also been my image for that long and I still LOVE her… but I was once badgered of late to put up a photo of me… which I have done before somewhere – but no one really wants to trawl through my archives to find that… so I posted one here… just to make Kelley happy.
I’m a Singular Girl, an expatriate Kiwi, once-upon-a fundamentalist and a Web Enthusiast… 50 something, and comfortably untethered.
And, for the record… here’s what I really look like.