I probably wouldn’t have thought to go to Bremen if I didn’t have someone to visit there, J is one of those internet type friends who also used to blog on the site on which the first iteration of this blog appeared (cough) 12 years ago… and we’ve followed each other’s stories since then; on our blogs, and then on Facebook as the members of that community have gradually congregated there as well.
I had found a delightful place to stay via Airbnb in the old quarter called the Schnoor and the climb up the stairs to my attic bedroom with my 17kg bag was an adventure in itself… J and I spent the evening drinking good German beer, wandering around the city and the following day had a lovely cruise up the Weser river to Bremerhaven. In Bremerhaven we visited the Klimahaus an interactive/immersive museum experience that chronicles a journey around the world, always following the 8th degree of longitude. Here are pics of the kind of stuff we saw there (which I didn’t take as you aren’t allowed to take pics inside). We caught the train home, watched Wales win a match in the European Cup, and ended out the evening by visiting the Bremen Town Musicians. A fitting end for a great day :D