My Time on Earth can end happy for I have been to Heaven already.
Random Soapboxing
Is it just me or is it just a bit crazy that a new show on TV here is all about the ‘best of the web’? Admittedly they’ve hired some pretty popular Friday night presenters but surely a show about the best vids on the web is doomed… seriously, if it’s any good everyone’s already seen it. 70% of Aussies have the Internet at home – are they trying to appeal to that other 30%?
Good Luck.
Counting Down
I am hanging out for November 9th. The last deadline for handing in assignments… I am ‘this close’ to finishing my major research assessment (should be done today) and then have one final piece to hand in, a 2,500 word essay about art and culture. That’s my project for next weekend.
Then I have a looooong list of things I want to tick off on the ‘girls just wanna have fun and be creative’ list.
Let’s see just how far I get.
- Pick up the 365days project. I’ve had to let it lapse because I was all out of creativity and was waaay too busy to keep up. It’s a bit disappointing, though I have to say that I think it’s a mark of how I’ve matured in that these days I don’t put myself under quite the same pressure to stick to such a trivial commitment… (College deadlines? Whole other ballgame…)
- Go to the Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo for a weekend with Shoe.
- Make some inroads into launching my choir project for next year. I’ve registered the domain. I need to buy Sibeliuswhile I’m still a student, book rehearsal rooms for Monday nights in term-time, start spreading the word and getting people to commit. Set up auditions.
- Upgrade to MT 4 and upgrade some perl modules on my server so MT will do all the things I want. This is a brave step… there’s a bunch of unknown stuff in doing it but I’m up for the challenge.
- Once I’ve done that I want to rejig my template. Needs a facelift… Want to add some bits and bobs spruce up the look. You know, usual geeky stuff.
- Blog my Travel Journals from Waaaaay back. Kerri inspired me after we talked about my visits to her neighbourhood and I got all energised to digitize the journals I’d kept and to scan some of my souvenirs. I’ve yet to go through the letters I wrote while I was living OS but that’s on the agenda as well… (Major project, this one)
- Get back into the walking routine. Now that it’s daylight saving again there’s no excuse.
- Get back into the Saturday morning habit of having breakfast at zero and taking the laptop with me. This time to work on the novel. Not other site projects.
- Buy a blender and make some cocktails.
- Share them…
- Get my paperwork in order (ok, hardly fun and creative but an unstressed Deeleea is a happy and creative one… undone paperwork stresses me out)
- Check out the possibility of staying longer in NZ in Feb)
- Get new summer recipes. I’m so BOOOOORED with my current repertoire… any ideas??
That’s a bit to get me started… now I need to organize my wish list… I’ve a new toaster and I’m eyeing off matching kettle and blenders… then there’s the sofa… sigh… add to the list the debt cancellation plan… it’s in progress… just want it to go FASTER!!!
I Think I’m on Hiatus
It appears to me that things have gone very quiet around here.
There is good reason.
Nothing is happening out HERE.
Well, when I say nothing, I mean nothing in the realms of Singularity, or Co-Operation etc. etc. etc.
There is much going on in terms of messing with websites, taking photos, conducting research, writing essays, doing essential reading, taking more photos, stroking the cat, cooking the odd nutritious comestible, going to the office, faffing about on facebook, going home from the office and putting my head down for the odd kip.
So, if you don’t see me round for the next 9 weeks or so… fret not… I’m just in that end of year headspace.
It’s a bit bloody soon if you ask me…