I remember the first time I heard him. The same place I heard a few people for the first time, and actually, the place I really learned to listen and appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into a great song.
So many times you hear music and enjoy it, never really knowing why, what it is about a song that resonates. For some it will be the lyrics, others the chords, harmonies, instruments. I love it all. And I love this song. Copperline, by James Taylor.
Taylor writes great lyrics (“Half a mile down to Morgan Creek, leaning heavy on the end of the week”), he sings with the most fabulous phrasing and the singers he has alongside him on projects like “Live at the Beacon Theater” are outstanding, and incredible artists in their own right. But this song was the first, it was in class in my first year of Creative Arts School and it will stay my favourite. (And I’m kicking myself still I didn’t pony up the cash to go hear him when he played in Sydney on my Birthday. Next Time, for sure.)
Oh, and happy birthday this week to my very own ‘Sweet Baby James’ who at age 10 can hardly be called a baby any more…