Miss Lisa asked in the comments yesterday if I owned a drill.
I do not… I’d have nothing to drill with it really. But someone in my building has one and is employing it in a most distressing manner today.
I am at home with a cold. Nothing too serious, just an overabundance of mucus (blech…) and a cough. I can tolerate it well enough but to preserve friendly relations with my workmates I am nursing it at home rather than spreading the love to them…
I would rather be at work than listening to the constant teeth jaggering drilling that is going on next door. Or downstairs, or outside… I don’t know where it’s coming from but it is reverberating quite thoroughly through my living room walls and I have had it up to here.
Wherever here is.
[stomps back off to bed to put her earplugs in]
Sorry for the grumps I will be happier tomorrow I think.