I have realised on writing previous entry that I do a significant amount of blogging from my bed. Is this something I should be worried about do you think?
I think it is a very nice place to blog from, for the following reasons.
1. It is warm when the air around it is cold (Electrically assisted …).
2. It is soft and cushy and there are lots of pillows on it.
3. The window it is next to looks out over the ocean.
4. It is big enough that I can have all my books, journals AND laptop on it all at the same time.
5. It has a table beside it for my cup of tea (English Breakfast, strong, white and none).
6. I can stretch my feet all the way out in front of me making a lovely sized repository for the laptop.
7. I can wear my pajamas in it (or not, if I should prefer).
8. If I get sleepy I don’t have far to fall.
9. It is the only place in the house where no one else goes (actually that has it’s down sides…)
I can’t think of a 10th reason… largely because I am about to nod off… (see reason below.)
http://www.wibsite.com/wiblog/ian says
On a rather cold night such as tonight, when I am at my desk, I am jealous of people who have laptops and can write blogs from the comfort of bed — with all the benefits you described! Though I’d swap the tea for a nice hot Milo! ;-)
yay says
I have a laptop Ian but I have so many things plugged into it that taking the thing to bed is a nightmare! Although once you make it there it has the added benefit of keeping your knees toasty warm!