Hooray – I am still happy with the rain even though I seem to have lost my umbrella, (it has been that long since I needed one…)
Work continues to be an itch I can’t scratch, I was so jangly today I had to take an hour out at lunchtime to watch the Mens Gymnastic re-runs (I was so frustrated that I am catching Olympic fever… and I was trying SO hard not to!!!! Gah!). For further therapy I came home from work, sat up in bed with the laptop (as I am now in fact) and wrote a 2000 word essay on Biblical ways to cope with frustration, or more specifically the gap between expectation and reality.
Once I have tidied it up I am planning on submitting it to the aforementioned magazine to see if I can get it published too! I think it was Peter McHugh a pastor from Melbourne who wrote a book called “The Creative Power of Frustration”… well here I am! Living proof!!!
By the way, further developments in the behavioural study concerning moving my bed around… I have reverted to sleeping back to the old side of the bed but now sleep on my right hand side rather than the left!! … I think it has something to do with the fact that when I re-made the bed I forgot to move the electric blanket to the other side… This is a good thing, I am getting a handle on the benefits of sleeping more in the middle of the bed! Maybe if I only move the blanket halfway I could really sleep in the middle…. No, hang on, the pillows would be all out of whack… Pillows should be strictly two a side… trying to sleep in the middle would be too confusing….
Oh good grief … I am rambl….. *yawn*
http://www.wibsite.com/wiblog/neil says
I always sleep facing the windo – dunno why!