Did you read Anne of Green Gables as a child?
I did, repeatedly. Still do every time I go back to my childhood home where the complete set sits on the bookshelf. I am nostalgic for it today. Bliss is away and the house has been quieter than a quiet thing. I feel sadly lacking in kindred spirits (if you read Anne you would recognize the phrase) to air my thoughts with. Sigh…
I have a lesson plan for Wednesday mocking me for having had 2 months to plan and only looking at it now. So now I have an 8 week lecture series to prepare for and so am taking the usual road of planning it week by week and hoping for the best. It is 3.27pm, I have church to go to at 6 and I have really only been out of bed since lunchtime. I have never felt less motivated.
I can’t wait to get back to work tomorrow – how sad is that??? I used to get the Sunday blues at around 7pm when the weekend was nearly over and the thought of work was the depression stick wielded over us.
And now? Work makes the world feel set on the right axis.
Was thinking about ditching church tonight but it might just be the thing to tip me back on the right track.
Dee says
*Checks* No – not you…
Glad the boss will be away! What sort of havoc are you planning in his absence?
yay says
Are you sure you’re not me? All sounds very familiar. Except I am excited about work tomorrow because my boss is away for three weeks. Hurrah!!!
Only this afternoon I was pondering my shortage of kindred spirits. HAd to be this afternoon cos I was in bed til lunch time as well!
http://www.wibsite.com/wiblog/ian says
How many "male points" do I lose for confessing I read, and moreover enjoyed, ‘Anne of Green Gables’?
http://www.wibsite.com/wiblog/arti/ says
I loved Anne of Green Gables too. The bit where Gilbert (what a name!) is ill and she suddenly realises that actually she really does love him in more than a "friendship" way is so romantic!
At nearly 40 and still single I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that the whole hollywood romance thing is considerably overdone!