Ok… it’s like this… when I promised not to rave in dribbly fashion about my gorgeous nieces and nephews it was before the little peach arrived on my doorstep from New Zealand yesterday.
There, I said it… a real little treasure…
So…. here’s the thing and the reason my eyes are on stalks this morning…
Sis and babe and I all slept in my room last night. Sis and I sleep like logs in usual circumstances… so I had no qualms sharing the bed.
However… his nibs snuffles… cries… tossess and turns… and generally was a preventative measure in terms of my ability to sleep last night. Sis appeared to be completely immune to his quaint night time charms.. I, however, am not. AND… As NZ is 3 hours ahead of us due to daylight savings also he was was up round 4am…
So… the time is now 7.06… Sis and Bliss are sacked out, on the sofa and bed respectively and Bubs is back in his crib…
Me? What? Sleep in the daytime… gah.. physically impossible….
Sigh… so I am posting and eating breakfast and not complaining at all because to have them here is worth far more than a good night’s sleep!
http://micheleagnew.com says
Visiting family is indeed worth a bad night’s sleep – as long as the family does not have the term in-law attached to it. Or maybe that is just my in-laws.
http://dariana.tblog.com says
Kewl blog.
http://www.kiwifruit-the-blog.co.nz says
Tip: Get yourself down to the chemist and invest in some of those little earplug thingymes. They’ll help to block out some of the snuffles!