If you should find yourself embarking on managing such an event as a wedding, either as an event planner or a bride/groom here are a few tips that will make the day less memorable for all the wrong reasons for your guests…
1. Arrange for the bride to arrive less than 45 minutes late…
2. Make sure you give the guests the right address to the reception venue.
3. Choose a venue that has easy access to parking… remember, most of your female guests will be wearing shoes which are not suitable for walking…
4. Cocktail parties are very funky and cool to have for your wedding reception and while your reception venue may also be very funky and cool it is good to note whether there are enough places for abovementioned ladies to sit, especially the pregnant ones…
5. It is also good if the reception venue is a good shape for circulating… it is suggested that square rooms which are dominated by a square, huge bars in the centre of the room may not be ideal, as it also makes it very difficult to get a clear view of the speechmakers during speech time.
6. On the matter of speeches, it is a good idea to have a stopwatch and an agreed length of time in which the speakers MUST finish their oration.
7. Be very careful of who you allow to make a speech. People who think it hilarious to laugh at others people’s expense and will be indiscreet about the wrong things after a couple of wines should be considered a bad choice.
8. On the matter of food, again, cocktail is very funky and cool (and perhaps cheaper than sit down) but it is suggested that there be a) enough food provided for very hungry guests b) waitresses who can remember who they have served and more particluarly, who they haven’t c) something slightly substantial to eat (i.e. more than a gorgeous, delicately prepared morsel) before 10.15pm when the alcohol has been flowing freely since 7…
Enough said
deeleea says
I so Totally Did!
Unordered says
So you had a good time at the wedding? ;-)