It’s midnight and I have put myself over a barrel by doing these countdown to NZ images… It means I can’t just fall into bed without having to jump online long enough to get a picture up!!!
Anyway, that is going to have to do for tonight… I have a stomach full of steak and sticky date pudding and now I have to sleep it off…
Maybe when I wake up tomorrow my hit rate will have gone over 4000 – astonishing really that these pages have been looked at so often…
Of course most of the time it’s me checking in…
But if you are stopping by from the wibsite or various other places where the address is listed…
And welcome!
Glad you stopped by. says
Saw Billy Connolly’s World Trip of New Zealand last night – he flew over Fiordland National Park and it was so utterly beautiful it bought tears to my eyes! Even Billy was speechless.
We saw his trip to Oz here – I wonder if you’ll see the NZ one over there?
Tractor Girl says
Thanks for explaining the purpose of the images (which I now get are all pictures from NZ).
I had just been enjoying looking at them, particularly liked the lamb.