You may (or may not) remember the Do Good Day Out with Rev back in January. I had the opportunity to spend the day with him again today, and after the big night out last night was feeling less than enthusiastic when I rocked up to his house at 9am ready for an 8 hour day… On the weekend…
I must be insane.
Rev was in fine form as usual, he has the happy knack of being able to recall any number of quotes from the various movies he has seen over the years (or over and over…). This is a clever thing, however he employs it to keep up a constant stream of coversation … with himeslf. I swear if it wasn’t so damn tragic it would be hysterical, in small doses…
As it was, it was for 8 hours.
I’m such a selfish bitch. He really does enjoy his day out with me, I get paid reasonably well for it and my expenses are compensated. So I look at my life and think, one day in a month is really no great hassle to give the kid a good time. And honestly, I do have one myself… I think I am tired and hormonal…
Anyway, on today’s entertainment menu; I had borrowed Kirky’s Play Station in case Rev was game for an afternoon of playing (pun intended), we went to the mall and watched Racing Stripes – the best bits of which he repeated to me all afternoon… I took him for a swim at one of the local beaches. We had lunch at the ubiquitious McDonalds, every child’s choice for a fancy lunch out… we also attempted a ride on his bike up Manly Beach… he is reluctant to move his legs much and seemed inclined to have me push… (I refused and he got off an pushed the bike around instead!) and we finished off the afternoon playing Crash Bandicoot for an hour.
Now? It’s 7.03pm and I… am… knackered.
I am booked in for another Rev go round in 2 weeks… As other news includes a possible contract to build 2 websites I might have to put the next Rev’s big day out on hold…
Do you know anyone who wants a big day out with a little fella?? says
Oh, as a former nanny, I DO sympathize!
He’s a lucky boy to have you, though!