Isn’t this picture gorgeous? It’s night skiing, probably somewhere in the gorgeous South Island of the gorgeous New Zealand.
I don’t ski, in fact, I don’t do snow at all. This is why I live in a place where the mean temperatures are very, very friendly indeed. I have done cold, I have lived in places where snow is a regular feature and while I am prepared to admit that it is very pretty and the hush that comes when the air is filling up with snowflakes has a touch of the divine; as a permanent prospect, snow and cold have very little appeal for me [read none!].
So, you may be surprised that as the weather turned, the temperatures dropped, the wind whipped up, and the rain softened the edges of today I was happy! Here I was coming home to a warm bath and my favourite doona (duvet, comforter) er on the telly and homemade chili con carne. I guess, in the grand scheme of things, each of the seasons has its own appeal.
I really love the summertime! When winter is fading I get so excited at the prospect of the warmer weather, of breakfasts at sidewalk cafes, summer fruit and lighter clothes. Yet, here I am really looking forward to the winter, switching on the electric blanket, the winter stews and roasted dinners and lots and lots of lovely winter red wines, Shiraz or Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot – they just don’t go down as well in the summertime!
Cheers! says
It’s weird… I ALWAYS dread the winter (even when I still lived in South Africa), but once it’s here, it’s not so bad and I survive. Then again, I never leave the house, where the temperature stays at an even 67 F. :-) says
I love skiing and I love the cold…I suppose I should be in NZ rather than Oz!
Miss Lisa says
lovely cab sav merlot and honey lamb casserole … any takers? says
I used to love rugging up in big coats, hats and scarfs when I lived in London. I miss the snow! But I don’t miss the icy slushy stuff when it starts to melt and you slip over and fall on your backside… says
Funny you should say that. Yesterday we were *at long last* surprised by the sun making an appearance and the temperature going up – having gone out in the morning with heavy winter coat, scarf and gloves, by midday I was sweltering! Fantastic stuff :)