Fragrant Bath, fragrant candles and dim light, the house to myself and travel programmes on the box. The laptop has migrated to the chopping board on my lap and my favourite doona is keeping me warm.
Perfect Evening.
I’m watching a tv presenter walking the Milford Track. The one in New Zealand. A 56 km walk in some of the most glorious scenery in the world. I have never done it but the sight of it on the telly makes me feel all nostalgic for bush and greenery and tramping.
That’s probably hiking to you…
Truth is, I’m not much of a tramper. The idea of it is more attractive than the reality of dragging my upholstery up hill and down dale…
Still, if I am feeling adventurous, I might just add it to the list of things that could be done on holidays… (not the Milford Track, that is… but a ramble somewhere lovely… with a waterfall…)
NZ is a VERY good place for that sort of thing…