Fi tagged me today… So, here goes…
1.Total number of movies I own on DVD/Video:
When Harry Met Sally (v)
Sense and Sensibility (v)
Emma (v)
Pride and Prejudice (v)
Amelie (d)
Maid in Manhattan (d)
So I guess that brings the total to 6. Not very many really…
2. Last movie I bought:
Does Harry Connick Jr in Concert constitute a movie? Hope so, I can’t remember the last one before that…
3. Last movie I watched: The Chronicles of Riddick (under protest… it was Flick’s choice)
4. Five movies that mean a lot to me (in no particular order):
Whale Rider because it screams ‘home’ to me.
Pride and Prejudice because it is true to the book and takes a whole day to watch (including meal breaks).
Amelie because it’s in French, and it’s beautiful, and it has a happy ending.
Pretty Woman because it’s an old friend.
Shawshank Redemption because of the impact it made on me.
5. Tag three people:
Smudgie;Jack the Lass and Semele. says
I’m with you on Shawshank Redemption. The triumph of the human spirit over adversary – it’s a wonderful film.
Have you seen Green Mile? That has a similar effect on me.
And both were written by Stephen King!
Jack the Lass says
Eek – cue trip to therapist this week to discuss traumatic memories of always being "it" cos I couldn’t run away fast enough ;)
So what’s all this tagging about then?