The Ecstasy: I have finished the website… You can see it here if you want. (The link opens a new window so you don’t lose your place!). It started off as a small idea and took on a life of its own, really, I am not sure how much work it will generate… hopefully enough for Honolulu…
The Agony: Now that it is online I realise the stuff I have to go back and re do… Where sites are concerned I am a perfectionist, it’s true! But I look at the site and all I can see are the bits that are wrong… too busy, too creative, can’t possibly be taken seriously…” etc. etc, and now that it is live contrary to it being just files on the Dell I can see it more clearly with and see where it breaks all the rules… so if you have a look at it please say nice things, maybe tomorrow you can tell me the truth…
The Ecstasy: I have been offered and have accepted a solo at the Jonah Concert in the Blue Mountains in a couple of weeks! What a thrill. I was reluctant to accept as I have never aspired to being a soloist, even after 3 years of full time training!!! A lot of my early years of training were wracked with nerves…However, now I feel like I am a much more confident singer than I was then and after a run through of my [small] part this evening I think I can do it, and do it well. At least those listening this evening approved, which felt nice.
The Agony: What if I totally stuff it up in front of a paying audience? It could cause terminal embarassment…
impossiblejane says
Love the new look!
Unordered says
Yes, great design. I really like the feel of it. says
Awesome work Dee, love your design!
And big congrats on the solo too :)
semele says
One more thing – maybe we should have a sing-a-long at the restaurant! I’m sure Ian would love the entertainment. Congratulations on the solo, I completely understand the nerves and the excitment!
Ian says
Very exciting.
Congrats on the solo!
And congrats on th website: an extremely unique design! Love it!
ooo, ooo, ooo, excitement all round! solos and websites – life is rolling along quite nicely really isn’t it!