I got fed up with work and a slow network today so I left the office at 3 and came to work at home.
Except I am blogging… not working…
I didn’t get home till 1.45 this morning – the babysitting was a marathon… so I am tired and, as it happens, thoroughly fed up with having to be solely responsible for myself…
I want someone to take one look at me and say “Dee, can I make you a coffee? Would you like to put your feet up for an hour or so while I cook dinner and vacuum the house?” Or better still, “Shall I give you a massage?”
Some days being a single girl is the best thing ever. And on days like today it’s depressing…
Jay says
You can be single and still have those things – get yourself a manservant!
deeleea says
Sheesh… why didn’t I think of that??
Semele says
I hope you get a good nights sleep.
I can’t believe you are jetting away so soon, I haven’t had a good holiday in a long time and you have since been to New Zealand and are now off to Hawaii!
Miss Lisa says
preaching to the choir unfortunately …. bugger eh!
Smudgie says
Tiddles is good at massages and at cups of coffee, I’ll send him over. But it’s still not the same – I know precisely that feeling.
Ian says
Hope you get to bed early tonight.
And to Dee’s colleagues: GET HER SOME COFFEE! ;-)