For no other reason than I have only one thing set for the weekend (Saturday night church) and I am SO looking forward to getting out and setting up my balcony for Spring, tidying up around the pool, planting my 2 blood oranges and my tahitian lime in their gorgeous half wine barrels, and more domestic things which we will not go into here.
It’s supposed to be 27C tomorrow which will be lovely – note to Smudgie :), you might be men and women of steel when it comes to cold water …. but in the heat? please, 25C and you’re all dying of heatstroke :), come and visit me in February when we’re guaranteed to get three or four days in a row over 40C – and this from a woman who’s a gold medallist when it comes to sunburn :). Ah, what would the lifesavers do at Bondi without all the British backpackers dropping like flies from the heat …..
Anyhoo …. sun, pool, gardening, friends, cups of tea, maybe the odd Corona (yum!), oooo and I’m finally going to get my bike sorted out so I can add it to my gradual (very) increase in fitness level … quite honestly, I think the first time I ride it round the block it’ll be a complete dog’s breakfast … I have visions of getting half way round, hitting the hill and walking the rest of the way, then passing out on the lounge for an hour or two to recover! And don’t tell me to ride the other way round so I can go DOWN the hill – there’s two hills!!!! I can’t win! Oh well, I have ambitions to get fit and am actually doing something towards it, so that’s one step further than I’ve gone for a looooonnnngggg time :)
Apologies for the overdoes of exclamation marks … I think it’s going to be a very loud drama queen kinda day in the old graphic design studio!
Shoe of the Day: old faithful blue 1inch heeled thongs … today is the day i go a-hunting for a couple of pairs of gorgeous heeled thongs to replace them … they’ve been reheeled, resoled, relined, glued, tacked … everything you can think of … but I think the time has nearly come to consign them to the great shoe graveyard …. yes, they’re so well used i can’t even pass them on to St Vincent de Paul for charity … faithful friends ….. :(