You may wonder what this image represents.
It’s the view from the top of Mt Gibraltar in the fog… You can read a fairly comprehensive report of “Dee and Yay’s Big Trip to the Southern Highlands to see Miss Lisa” over at Yay’s and you can see Visual Representations of the Outing by clicking on the fog picture.
It was a Grand Day Out notable due to speculation as to whether we may have been the first wibloggers to use the new M7…reneging only because of certain procrastination issues regarding the purchasing of e-tags. We next considered the possibility that we may have been the most elevated wibmeet having attained 863m above sea level (which is disappointingly low, I thought). Of course the only evidence of such elevation are pictures of fog.
On Delayed Gratification.
After a discussion concerning Yay’s recent Pad Thai travails I felt the need to have a Pad Thai of my own for dinner and only those dedicated Pad Thai eaters will understand the intestinal fortitude it took to drive all the way home from the restaurant (a good 10k or so) with said Pad Thai sitting next to me. I didn’t touch it, except to steady it from possible collapse due to vehicular movement. I feel very proud for being able to wait, especially as it was a good one. It was very easy to wash up dispose of due to it being in a paper container, with disposable biodegradable chopsticks.
All in all a rather lovely day, and all the better for being something out of the ordinary trip to the local cafes and movie theatres with all the usual suspects…
Ooh yes, and I got 6 books for $39.00 at Berkelouws, admittedly the titles aren’t nearly so interesting as Yay’s Pomp and Pestilence or the one about the shape tasting dude… and I am feeling compelled to delay the gratification of reading them until I have finished the libary books (with the exception of the Patricia Cornwell… apparently time has not cured my aversion).
Of course I might just take all the books back to the library tomorrow so they stop mocking me…
Semele says
I hope you are all better.
What a fantastic trip you must have had! I wish I could have been there.
deeleea says
Sigh, I knew you’d have tried it out already!!
Ian says
Very, very nice photos. Though we need one of the lovely Ms Deeleea as well.
Hope you’re feeling better soon!
[BTW: the M7 is still free (until 15th Jan): I must say I was the first to use it — I used it on the way home when it opened. ;-)]