Thank you for all the thought provoking comments…
These are the circumstances that made me ask the question.
The college I graduated from with my Advanced Diploma of Christian Ministry (Creative Arts – Vocals) is offering a 4 year degree from this year. The degree is in conjunction with one of the local Christian Universities and as such a recent graduate of the 3 year course I can gain 65% credit for the work I’ve already done.
That 65% means that the time commitment, at least in the first term only amounts to a 2 hour lecture on a Thursday and a 1 hour tutorial, and a 2 hour lecture on a Friday.
In term 2 it means a 2 hour lecture on a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
There are 2 intensives at the end of term 2. Which I think would mean 2 weeks annual leave (a potential problem).
The last 2 semesters would be a bit of a heavier work load.
I need to point out that the lectures take place on the campus I work at so there is no time issue in terms of having to get myself to and from work and uni…
Also, as its only 4-5 hours out of my work week I can credit my lunch hours (which I almost never take – I know, shocking) against the study time and not lose any wages.
Caroline [as an aside, you should check her blog out… it’s wicked – read the Kiwinese to English page for an insight into the New Zealand language!] asked is it a means to an end? Yes, I won’t be able to lecture at same institution without a degree (which I would very much like to do). It seals the Adv Dip in a way that only a degree can in terms of employment prospects and in spite of its reputation as a Bugger All type qual it definitely has a cachet that an Adv Dip doesn’t.
The other end that I see for it is a scratch for the “I’m bored” itch I’ve been feeling since the minute I walked back into the office after a month away… The job has reached the zone where it really is just a series of content updates which in no way satisfies the gnawing tech head in me which is only satiated by the intricacies of html and code… That is the itch that is best relieved by the work I do in the business… It’s project based work with end in sight and prospects of another new project that keeps me hungry…
But don’t tell The Captain I said that…
Fi asked if I’m excited by the prospet…
Yeah baby… even though it’s only been since Sunday that I’ve been thinking about it (I had discounted it initially because I thought it was a performance degree… didn’t feel the need to get back into that zone) the idea of stimulating my mind with discussions of culture and arts and creativity would be fabulous. An antidote to the technical nature of all the other stuff I’m up to…
Freddysmama thought it depended on the course I’m doing. And as she’s also done the same course as me she’ll be surprised to read of these new developments I think…
In terms of Unordered‘s thoughts on the part time/distance question, it’s in person and actually I have no idea what constitutes full time. As the timetable appears to be workable at the moment and the high level of RPL (credits) I’m getting it looks as though it’s part time.
Ian‘s suggestion of taking it a paper at a time is a great idea. I think I will have to do that at least for the 2nd semseter. It’s a busier time of year at work and so trying to juggle the lot at that time would be suicidal I think… The other thing I have to figure out was whether the amount of Credit I have is diminished the longer I take to complete… I have a meeting today which may in fact answer these questions…
So I guess I’ll know more when I’ve spoken to the Crabman (the Principal) and The Captain (my boss)…
I’ll keep you posted.
PIA says
Dee- it will never be a better time to do it, you will not be single or working on campus, for ever. A BA will not only give you a qual but also the satifaction of thinking in a new way, exploring themes you are interested in, it will get you to meet a bunch of new people, plus it would be fun to have you as a SCA student again!! OK I am biased but I say go for it !!
Caroline says
In that case you should definitely go for it. The Captain will spot – sooner or later – that you are bored witless and I’m sure She/He/It would be better off with a happy part-time worker whose grey matter is at fighting weight.
Ian says
Oh — take lunch breaks! At least half-an-hour. You need the rest.
Your local OH&S officer. ;-)
Miss Lisa says
Sounds like it’s a goer to me :) … hopefully the meeting will really crystallise your direction … and a bit of prayer from your friends!
PS Can you believe the Crabman knows about Mr Tasmania! there are no secrets in that place!!!!